1. SPP learning kit based on the architect Heinz Frank’s installation 

    DESIGN: Krišs Salmanis

  2. Experimental Pedagogy dispelled the view that talent is inherited. Potential to develop the ability in artistic creation of built BUILT ENVIRONMENT exists in ever child, if given the opportunity to learn!

    The basics of learning BUILT ENVIRONMENT is human scale and the role of the human body in understanding of surrounding world, based on the imagination and knowledge, theory and experimental interaction.


  3. SPP task in March 2018 issue for virtual magazine AMAG! 

    ARCHITECTS: Ieva Skadiņa, Nora Saulespurēna, Zigmārs Jauja
    COMPOSER: Kristiāns Stendzenieks
    PUPILS: Nikola, Ernests


    • perception of surrounding space with all human senses
    • understanding the role, rights and responsibilities in creating the BUILT ENVIRONMENT
    • assessment of historic and contemporary ARCHITECTURE and URBAN environment
    • understanding of the relationship between the natural and the BUILT ENVIRONMENT as well as a balance between sustainable development and quality of life
    • necessary vocabulary for children and young people to discuss the impact of the BUILT ENVIRONMENT on public life
    • the ability to analyze and understand work methods and problems of creators of
    • ability to work as a team, to observe, identify problems and find creatively intelligent solutions
    • opportunity to experiment with different methods and techniques, forms and materials
    • development and release of imagination, sensibility and taste, discussion and critical skill learning
    • inclusion and representation of  humanity, culture, heritage, nature and human values in research and design tasks of the BUILT ENVIRONMENT exercises




    POINT. Single workshops of 2—3 hours each in the form of cognitive games for about 30 students of the same age. Composition of workshop — from the theory through a discussion to practical activities. Work in groups, without imposed discipline, with 1 architect and 5—6 students. We are interested to collaborate with teachers or educational institutions or interest organizations, as well as public cultural events — festivals and celebrations and forums.


    LINEAR. Lecture and exercise course — thematic project week, camp or workshop for general education schools, specialized schools, interest organizations or at the Latvian Association of architects building for different age groups of students. Course structure — from from the theory through a discussion to practical activities.  We will work with schools, which participated in point events.

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